
超有名進学校→関西トップ私大→大手企業という絵に描いたようなアラサーリーマン。東京在住。 ありのまま思ったことを、僕の脳みその中を記録として書き留めます。金銭全く興味なし、困ってもない為、ゼロ忖度で、真実を本音だけを記載していきます。コメント等頂ける方は皆大事にします。












Oskar's Lullaby

Oskar's Lullaby

  • provided courtesy of iTunes


Are you making a daily shedule these days?

 The older we get, the less we make a daily shedule like we did it at school, because we don't have much time in everyday life.

 But you will certainly find out which part you are always missing in your life and what the ideal and reality are if you make how you spend weekends, once you make a daily schedule, considering with how you spend tomorrow or weekends.

 For example, If you dicide to go to a gym and after that study English or somthing on a workday, you will see how difficult they are to do. It's because you are not imaginating how tired you are after work. And also even if you make your weekend schedule, mostly you wake up late, and do what you are not expcting like watch Youtube, after all your shedule will go away.

 You don't need to worrk about what you have done then. You don't need to even care about you screwed up your weekend, wasted plety of time on weekend, because 90% of people do that. Most of people are like that, and look at this world, 90% of rich people and the rest is poor or normal.