
超有名進学校→関西トップ私大→大手企業という絵に描いたようなアラサーリーマン。東京在住。 ありのまま思ったことを、僕の脳みその中を記録として書き留めます。金銭全く興味なし、困ってもない為、ゼロ忖度で、真実を本音だけを記載していきます。コメント等頂ける方は皆大事にします。

夢  dream 




I find that it is certainly important for me to hae a dream to live.

I've recently read the book, named "the alchemist". Although i got a job and can work at a stable comany and finally i got that peaceful life, I've been feeling dirty since I grabbed the phone which told me i got the job. Something's wrong, don't feel well somehow......

And i sort of knew the reason after reading this book. So there has to be always some big dreams or goals in our minds which I, i mean we young guys, don't even imagine. I just can't feel happy right now  that I will work as an ordinary people, marry, raise kids, get old, and die. I can hear my heart say that's not my way to live. Anyway, I've gotta do something. As "The alchmemist" told me, I have to go ahead  without lying to myself, keeping in mind how important it is to have a dream and chasing a dream. I really think this way lately. 

We have only one life. Don't be so stable, Be a dreamer.



アルケミスト - The Alchemist 【講談社英語文庫】

アルケミスト - The Alchemist 【講談社英語文庫】



Favorite song. the hiatus "something ever after"

the HIATUS Keeper Of The Flame Special Trailer ...